Youre currently reading page 1 Filter. Shop now for the best deals on Brass from top brands like Hornady, Federal, & more. Also see a lot more being sold at Walmart. Palmetto State Armory has a great selection cleaned unprimed brass for reloading. Some of it is not so dull and it looks limilar to nickel plated. 40 S&W Magazines G20 10MM Magazines G29 10MM Magazines G40 10MM Magazines G21. I do notice a LOT more aluminum case stuff being sold in 9mm and see a lot of it on the ground. G17 9MM Magazines G18 9MM Magazines G19 9MM Magazines G26 9MM Magazines G34 9MM Magazines G43 9MM Magazines G43X/G48 9MM Magazines G45 9MM Magazines G22. (at the local indoor range my collection rate is about 50% of what I shoot with the rest going downrange so I need to keep collecting extra)Īt a state match I had stopped to watch a few weeks back the brass was left for the people working the match. This allows me some practice ammo and some extra stuff to trade if needed. I try to aim to double up whatever I shot that day in collected brass in the caliber I shot. One of the guys even said pick up as much as I wanted because they would be pushing everything into the berms at the end of summer. That gets you well under 1 cent each, but you have to sort them, separate out the non-9mm and clean them yourself. I could go to the local indoor range and buy a bulk ammo box filled with once fired 9mm for 10. There was so much left yesterday I probably could have picked up a couple 5 gallon buckets if I wanted to kneel in the sun all day long. I buy cleaned brass for 2.5 cents each in 9mm and 3 cents each in 40sw. Still have to do all the work picking it up in the rocks, grass, or mud, sort, tumble, dry, process. I shoot, I stay and do some work, and get some brass as a sort of payment. Brass gets collected and placed on the table for the person to grab when done.Īt the couple local outdoor matches there isn't a problem picking it up once the stages are torn down. This is only based on being at a handful of matches, so YMMV.Īt the local indoor matches, they would pick up the brass after every shooter because otherwise it presents a big safety hazard. If you are not marking your brass then it's fairgame since so many are shooting 9mm, anyone reloading it AND willing to pick it up is going to grab as much as they can. Goes the opposite way too, if someone else marks their brass, return it to them or ask who's it is. At local matches you probably already know a large% of the shooters and they know you and most people are generally nice enough to help you out. If you want to get back, at a min., Most of your 9mm brass, do you mark it with something? If no, start doing that AND let your squad mates know "this brass marked like this is mine, if you are picking up brass I'd really appreciate if I could get it back" or something like that. How do you guys keep your brass supply stocked? If you buy 9 mm brass what is the going rate? What is the etiquette on this should I be grabbing brass or resetting? Basically somebody is always grabbing brass while people are resetting. It seems at the local uspsa matches I lose all the brass I shoot. Lately I have been losing more brass than I have been collecting i.e.